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Werdel Wildlife Lab

Ty J. Werdel

Prospective Students and Postdocs
Thank you for your interest in joining the Werdel Wildlife Lab in the Department of Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management at Texas A&M University! We are always interested in meeting potential collaborators. To inquire about joining our lab or to determine if we're a good fit for your career goals, please include the following in a direct email to Dr. Werdel (
1. Your general research interests
2. Whether you are interested in a MS, PhD, or Postdoc position
3. Why you are interested in this lab specifically.
4. Research experience
5. A current CV (including a full publication list)
Please use "Werdel Wildlife Lab Prospect - Your Name" as the subject line of your email. I look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you for your interest in our lab. For more information, feel free to get in touch and Husker will get back to you soon!

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